Interoperability Request
Legal Name of party seeking access
(Include Inc., LLC, Corp., etc.; if you are not representing an organization or are an independent contractor, list your full legal name.)
Principal business address
If you are not representing an organization, list your primary mailing address. Spell out the state.
Website (optional)
Corporate contact name
Corporate contact title (optional)
Corporate contact phone
Corporate contact email
This form will let you select specific technologies that you need access to. If you aren't sure where to start or want to research available technologies, check out the
Interoperability Guide
on open.epic.
Select technologies
Select the technologies you want to use to interoperate with an Epic customer. We will direct you to the right documentation based on your selection.
I need to request something not listed here
I found what I need - show me the documentation
Describe your app and how you would like it to interoperate with Epic software at a high level
What data elements does your app need to read from Epic software?
What data elements does your app need to write to Epic software?
Who are the users of your app?
Non-Patient Users
Administrative Users
Describe the end user workflow related to your app
Will your app be launched from Epic software?
If you have an existing product you plan to integrate with Epic software, describe it or provide a link to a description of how it works
Do you have a current or prospective client who uses Epic software and is interested in using this integration?
Name of client
Client contact name
Client contact title (optional)
Client contact phone
Client contact email
If you are developing this integration on behalf of a client, will the client retain all ownership of the development work upon project completion?
I'm not quite sure what I need to get started
I need something not listed here
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